Good day nation of tsu, it's Sebastian.
You are probably wondering about the new layout but in fact we have taken tsu dark.
Although we have still have numerous active communities on the site, our mission of changing the social landscape for the benefit of the content creator has passed. I started this concept eight years ago and when we launched in late 2014 we brought the conversation of content ownership and monetization to the content rights holders into the mainstream. All told there were approximately 5.2 million of us who have used our platform. Through you, tsu's emergence into the mainstream spurred discussions on virtually every major media outlet touching on the tsu concept, royalties of music streaming services and to the business models of established platforms. I wish we could have done more for the content creators and the wonderful charities that lent their names to our platform. In all, we built water wells, gifted wishes and gave back en masse.
Although I would have hoped we could have done more, I am proud of our team and the wonderful, diverse community of friends we have cultivated along the way. I am proud to have been a part of something that millions of people helped create from North America to the Asian subcontinent.
Thank you for being a part of our platform of change and believing in what we were attempting. In terms of those who have monetized their content, we intend to abide by what we set out to do and if you have created amounts large enough for redemption, we will remit payments to you in short order. If you have participated in and won any company-sponsored contests, you will be compensated as well. In the next few days we will be adding a button to the site so users can download their own content which will be available until August 31st. Should you have any questions, please write to
変化する当社のプラットフォームで我々がしようとしていたものを信じていただきありがとうございます。そのコンテンツを収益化した人々の面では、私たちがやろうと設定したものを遵守するつもり、あなたが償還のための十分な大量に作成した場合、我々は短期間ですが、あなたに支払いを送金します。あなたが参加し、任意の会社主催のコンテストを獲得している場合は、同様に補償されます。ユーザーは8月31日まで利用できるようになり、独自のコンテンツをダウンロードすることができますので、今後数日間では、サイトにボタンを追加することになります。ご質問がありましたら、 へ、ご連絡してください。
Lastly, in order to keep up on what we are doing next, please feel free to connect with me through various social media platforms:
Snapchat: @tsullc "sebastian"
Twitter: @sebastianarthur "SeabassChen"
Instagram: @seabasschen
Thank you,
Founder & CEO, tsu
Twitter: @sebastianarthur "SeabassChen"
Instagram: @seabasschen
Thank you,
Founder & CEO, tsu
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